

Sometimes I live in a world of self-denial
With a veil over my eyes
Obscuring every hideous and evil act
That occurs behind these prison brick walls
That I’ve come to despise!
Having embedded themselves into my flesh
Thus making me institutionalized.
Sometimes I remove that veil
Becoming one with this world…
And the reality of it is…it’s just too much!
I fear I’ll become like the very walls themselves
Stone cold heartless!
Sometimes I let myself daydream…
Of a better, more peaceful place
Where shackles, handcuffs and prisons
Don’t exist.
A world rid of hate and injustice…
Where I’m with the one I cherish…
And my freedom isn’t just in mental form.
Sometimes I just simply live
For my life has been one with many surprises…
Both good and bad.
Yet, I’ve managed to prevail thus far
But for now, I simply live my sometimes.


The Continuation of Executions

“There is no question in my mind at all that the death penalty has no place in a civilized society. We cannot, as human beings who are imperfect and in a system that is imperfect, try to come out with a perfect solution.”
Former Florida Supreme Court Justice Gerald Kogan

I couldn’t agree more with Justice Gerald Kogan’s statement as talks continue to take place about the upcoming execution here at San Quentin. This announcement is so unexpected, a real surprise to everyone on death row. For the past several years news on the death penalty was looking favorable or rather promising, with more details coming to light, for example that the execution methods are in fact violating the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments (cruel and unusual punishment). Let’s not forget that murder in any form, whether unlawful or under the false pretence of the law is immoral. It demonstrates a lack of respect for human life. That is to be respected.
Such unforeseen news caused many to have a reality check. Including myself. Don’t get me wrong. I awaken every day knowing I’m sitting in Death Row, knowing the government is set out to kill me and many others who find themselves in my situation. Yet, I was never present to witness the ripple effect the news has, to see the changes in everyone’s demeanors. That’s…well, a mind-boggling experience.
Everyone took the news differently. Of course the prison reacted by tightening up security, briefing their staff to watch for certain changes in our demeanors, to be on alert for everything. It’s pretty intense for everyone. Psychologists make their presence known, walking the tiers more often, and attempting to evaluate us all. But there’s something they’ll never be able to detect, as some couldn’t handle the news of executions resuming once again. So, in the hour that no one was looking, they decided to hang themselves. Unsuccessfully, thank goodness! Some chose to distance themselves. Some remained silent being ever so vigilant to the occurrence taken place. Some prayed or held prayer calls[1] in attempts to keep everyone hopeful. Some remained indifferent, or just acted like it was no big thing. Few talked about what their last ours might be like, if they’ll go willingly or fight till the end. While others joked, laughed and discussed what they’ll ask for in their last meal.
If you ask me, these individuals need serious help. These are indications that solitary confinement is having a psychological affect on them. I’ve seen it numerous of times. It starts off with senseless laughter or rambling. Then enters depression led by a huge outcry for help and attention. Usually by acting out, banging on walls, toilet, doors, or even screaming obscenities until their lungs go out. After their outcries go unheeded comes the suicide attempts. Believe me, I’ve lived amongst these men. I’ve seen the deteriorating of many people. Simply being in the hole[2] is a psychological challenge. Add the extra weight of having the death sentence hanging above your head and you’re just asking for an emotional breakdown. I see this on a daily basis and I wonder what this man is going through. What it would be like to receive a slip, stating when you’ll die and when will be the hour of your last breath.
For me, the news discombobulated me, saddened me, depressed me, angered and worried me. It’s always a sad, depressing time when someone is about to be murdered, under the false pretense of the law. I’m angry because I can’t do anything to stop it. I’m just one man in this world I’ve come to call Death Dormitories, attempting to give everyone a glimpse into my world, my mind and my soul. Hopefully it is enough to shed light on this important issue. What worries me is that this will be the beginning of many more executions. There’s a waiting list and at least 703 more of us, trying to survive this ordeal. We’re dependent on overworked, underpaid lawyers and the very system that placed us here. The outcome doesn’t look too good, but everyday another individual joins the fight to abolish the death penalty. Everyday another person becomes aware of the injustice and inhumanity occurring behind these walls. And everyday we get closer to our objective that’s to stop capital punishment, this inhumane practice, and the injustice going on here. That’s my hope, the core I draw my strength from.
For today, or the rest of the year, there will be no executions. Not because the government decided to act humane. No, not for that reason, but simply because the poison they were going to use expired. Maybe that will give the guy’s legal team enough time to defend him properly and save his life. Until then his life hangs in the balance including ours. It’s not about the crimes that lead to the death sentence being handed down, no. It’s about being the example, being humane. You never know when an innocent man might be wrongly convicted in this imperfect system. But we can start taking steps in being the examples of a just and humane nation, like so many others have. The San Quentin Medical Administration have taken that step. Maybe the guards will as well. One step at a time. Until then, stay strong and continue pushing forward. Thank you.
Peace, kindness and love,

[1] Prayer call is when numerous prisoners bow their heads and read verses from the bible and end by saying the Hail Mary together.
[2] Also known as the shoe or its proper name S.H.U. (Security Housing Unit). It is a prison within a prison where prisoners are held 23 ½ hours in a solitary confinement cell with little or no physical contact with human beings. And no recreational programs offered, including church service and school. Prisoners are heavily guarded and restricted.


Life is hard

Life is hard…
With many obstacles to face and overcome…
Sometimes I get overwhelmed with it all
And I fall.
Into a bottomless pit, with no end in sight.
Until one’s hand, words or light reaches in.

That’s when I realize…I must continue with it all.
For there’s a greater purpose
A change I can cause
With my struggles and experiences
That’s worth it all.

As I overcome another obstacle
Life has thrown
I come to the realization that
Life is hard…
But I can continue on.
Allowing it to enlighten me
Instead of decomposing me.


My 7x6 cell

Four white walls
A stainless steel toilet
And a stainless steel door
A metal slab for a bed
This is my 7x6 cell
Where I am kept in solitary confinement
22 ½ hours, day in and day out
Year after year
Meant to keep my voice from being heard
Kept away from all human contact
Where I’m meant to be forgotten of
Isolation and seclusion is their goal
Losing my sanity is a plus.

Subjected to full body searches
Whenever I’m to leave my cell
Then and only then
Do I have the only physical contact for the day
With metal handcuffs and leg shackles I wear
That dig into my flesh
Leaving me deep embodied scars
That will forever be with me
Like tattoo tears .
This is my abyss
That I attempt to crawl out of
With the beauty I hunger for
Behind my 7x6 cell.


Letter to Obama asking him about his attitude towards the death penalty

President Obama,
First of all I want to commend you for the amount of progress you have done for this country and the amount of help you have provided for countless of other countries.
I write you today in hopes that you answer the questions we pose. I say ‘we’ for this issue is more important than ‘I’. The issue being Capital Punishment otherwise known as the death penalty.
We are curious to know how such a great man like you supports this? It goes against the image you present and it’s such an inhumane punishment. How do you justify the killing of a human being done for and by the state? When and where will you draw the line? Please help us understand the whys on the matter for we have so many unanswered questions.
Being one of 3.297 death row inmates in the U.S. I can’t help but bear witness to the deterioration of countless of “human beings”. I emphasize “human beings” because even though there’s a statue of limitation on our rights we all still have a beating heart! This inhumane and cruel punishment is slowly but surely doing what it’s meant to do and that is killing us slowly.
Since I’ve been on the row I’ve seen countless of people commit suicide, die of natural causes, lose their mind and the very essence of their soul. If this isn’t cruel and unusual punishment then I don’t want to know what is!
The point is that it is not only a cruel and inhumane punishment, but it also does not deter crime or even prevent it! Numerous false convictions and innocent men/women have shown that this system is faulty. How many more individuals have to lose their lives in order to show that there’s something wrong with the system? How many more people will this country kill? The government shouldn’t become murderers themselves! What about being the example of a humane nation? Gandhi said it best: “Be the change you want to see in the world!” President Obama, we ask you to be that change! I end this letter with a slogan you made famous: “Change we can!”
Carlos M. Argueta Jr.



My Guides

My blood pumps,
The blood of my ancestors,
Carrying with it
Genetic codes,
Specific messages
For me alone.

Warriors, explorers,
Immigrants and developers
They all were,
And are a part of me.
While I grow,
I learn and form my own,
Using the messages left behind;
As a guide,
But not as instructions.

What kicks in,
In this journey of life, of mine,
Are the instincts from within.
From one generation
To the next
We all leave a part of us behind.

It’s up to me to decide
What that will be…
With the amount I give
In this journey
Of life, of mine.


In Troubled Times

As a man with the world on my shoulders
With half its human race
Demanding my fall from grace
And that my legacy vanishes without a trace
I’m consumed with a powerful rage
As I ball up my fist
Not measuring the risk
Hearing the poisonous demands
Becoming more like commands
Penetrating my soul
Before they’ve even reached their goal
I strike with a force
More powerful than most
Letting everyone know
I’ll never go with the flow
Putting my soul into every blow
As I fight to stay afloat
Not letting the poisonous demands
Abase the man
I am.


Judge for Yourself

Lately I’ve been thinking about how prisoners are viewed… How the news, media and government has portrayed us… Especially those of us in death row. I have asked myself over and over 'Why have I been portrayed as a monster? Why have they placed this mask on me?' Whenever they speak or even mention someone in death row, one automatically thinks 'serial killers' or even 'rapists'. Yet, I’m neither of these. It finally dawned on me that their tactic is to instill fear by demonizing me, and others in my situation, from even seeing what’s behind this mask I’ve been forced to wear. A fear that will cloud one’s mind so much they wouldn’t be able to see all the injustice and heinous acts they’ve committed themselves! A fear so profoundly powerful it has kept so many away, and allowed them to continue these inhumane acts, for far too long now.
What is it they fear so much that they go to great lengths to destroy our very beings? They fear that if anyone was to look behind our masks they’d find actual human beings or what’s worse an innocent person like me and so many others. They’re in fear of the caring individuals, the activists, the very individuals who could expose their inhumane acts. So they show you the worst of the worst and lead you to believe everyone here is just like them. We’re not! The only thing we have in common is what every human being has. Besides that, we all have our own stories, our own unwritten books and tales of what led us to being placed in this man-made hell hole. So please don’t be quick to overlook us but see beyond the obscured view.
For it only takes one, one person to care and remove the layers and layers of dirt thrown upon us. One person to see this cruel inhumanity and injustice going on. One person to reach beyond the prison walls and fences and realize that we’re not all monsters. For a lot of us are quite the opposite. We have so much to give and so much to offer. You have to be willing to look past the lost childhoods, the pain, and the self-imposed barriers to find us. When you find the men and women who are like me, please don’t stop there. Go one step further and find people like you. The strong-minded, good-hearted people who were willing to reach beyond the barriers and stop at nothing to help another human being in need. Meet and befriend one another. Unite, for even when alone we can accomplish so much, so just imagine what we could do with a whole force! For there’s thousands of people in the world at this moment, writing a prisoner. Giving them support, writing letters to the governors and presidents, asking for and demanding justice for this inhumane cruel punishment to be stopped.
Only when we unite will the politicians take notice of us all. What I’m saying is: don’t allow the government and news media to stop you from breaking the barriers placed upon us. There are already enough obstacles before us. Be the change needed in this world. There’s so much more to the individual behind the mask. It only takes little to notice it. Who knows, you could end up meeting an enriching human being…
For all who have broken the barriers, with all my heart I thank you.